We believe in the talent of Mexican artisans.

We work hand in hand to promote the development of their products, under a scheme of training and fair trade.

We create customizable utilitarian objects, with handcrafted finishes, so that you can give your loved ones unique objects.

Olinalá, Guerrero

The artisan technique of laqueado de Olinalá is applied by hand on pieces of wood and guajes (Leucaena leucocephala), native plant of Mexico

The application process is exhaustive, detailed and fascinating since on each of the pieces the craftsman places layers of oil-based maque, mixtures of earth and natural pigments, drawing on them the drawings and characteristic patterns using selected spines of maguey in the process.

Capula, Michoacán

The artisanal technique of Capula is outlined with lines and crisscross frameworks. There are also some figures and geometric patterns. The flowers are constructed with concentric circles or points, to what is called “capulineado”.

The number of petals and their dimensions vary according to the technique of each craftsman. The inspiration for these decorations comes from the P’ur’hépecha culture. The finest decorations such as fish, butterflies, hummingbirds and flora are reserved for select dotted pieces.


1. We define creative alternatives together with artisans, to conseive new utilitarian products.

2. We promote and focus the vision of artisans through ongoing training and continuous support.

3. The artisan takes advantage and enriches his talent and technique by creating products that provide greater value.

4. We increase the income and the commercial vision of the artisan- conserving his technique.